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Let’s Go to Palworld PC
I’m going into Palworld. After the initial 1st 3 hours, I would say that Palworld is fun to play. Here is my Playlist.

How To Dispose Old Car As Scrap, Malaysia
How to dispose old car as scrap in Malaysia. This is my experience on how I dispose my old car as scrap. I have a near to 20 years old car, Inokom ATOS 1.0GL and due to the need to repair & overhaul the engine. Maintaining & repairing the car is quite expensive as most…

Home Soy Sauce Garlic Chicken
My family’s favorite soy sauce garlic chicken and here is the simple recipe. Ingredients: Preparation: Cooking (use air fryer): Air Fry longer (brownish color) Air Fry shorter time (less brownish)

Home Marinate Ayam Berempah Or Kunyit
Earlier, I ordered 10 pieces of ayam berempah (uncooked marinated) for RM35 and noted that maybe I am able to Home Marinate Ayam Berempah myself and so I did, as at today, I marinated my 2nd batch of ayam berempah. The 1st was a bit dryer and 2nd batch, I did it slightly watery (less…