Earlier, I ordered 10 pieces of ayam berempah (uncooked marinated) for RM35 and noted that maybe I am able to Home Marinate Ayam Berempah myself and so I did, as at today, I marinated my 2nd batch of ayam berempah. The 1st was a bit dryer and 2nd batch, I did it slightly watery (less dry).
- curry powder (for meat) – main.
- tumeric powder (kunyit) – main.
- cumin powder (jintan putih).
- coriander powder (ketumbar).
- fennel powder (jintan putih).
- chili powder or paste (optional).
- flour – main.
- cornflour – main.

Blend ingredients:
- ginger.
- shallot.
- serai.
- garlic.
- white soy sauce.
- egg.
- sugar.
- pinch of salt.
How to:
- mix all powder together in a bowl.
- then, mix all blended ingredients together with the powder.
- add the egg.
- add water (less for dry type, more water for watery type).
- Fridge for 1 to 2 hours.
To cook it, either deep fry or air fry it.
Note: for airfry – oil the plate so the meat does not stick to the plate or pan.

Above image shows air fried and dry type.
Eat with rice and fried egg.
Option 2 – Simpler Kunyit Chicken
- kunyit powder
- a bit of corn flour & general flour
- salt
- serai (smashed until juicy)
- sesame oil
then fridge. Just air fry for 20mins then flip for another 20mins.

Other reads:
Simple home cooked curry pork dish.
Home made pork burger.
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