PTPTN Student Loan Application Guide. How to apply for PTPTN education loan through their online portal? Always pay attention during 1st week orientation upon starting your course in a recognized college or university, PTPTN representatives from the schools shall update and guide you through the process of education loan application. Remember to pay attention at all times.
In this article, YOU means the STUDENT.
However, if in case you missed out or need further information and understanding, here is a quick guide to what you should do. Applying PTPTN loans is not difficult and is quite straight forward. For start there are 3 documents that are required before hand. They are to buy a PIN (where you can purchase from BSN), open a SSPN account and letter of acceptance from the college or university.
1st stop, open a SSPN account if you do not have one. You can open an account in BSN with a deposit of RM20.00. Once you have SSPN account ready, you can straight away buy the PIN number from BSN as well. PIN cost is only RM5.00. Keep the receipt as vital information is in the receipt.
Re-cap of documents required:-
- Buy a PIN number from BSN. (Cost only RM5.00 and buy the PIN under YOUR NAME)
- Open an SSPN account if you do not have any.
- Letter of acceptance to the college or university.
Once you have all the above documents ready, go online to PTPTN gateway to make your application. PTPTN portal is at and let’s fill-up your application.

Fill-in into the form:-
- IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (IC) – *reminder: PIN number must be purchased using your IC number.
- Date of PIN number purchased – * shown in the PIN receipt that you purchased from BSN.
- Time of PIN number purchased -* shown in PIN receipt as well.
- PTPTN number – *shown in PIN receipt as well.
Once you have key-in all correctly, you should be logged in and be able to fill-in all your personal particulars. *Ensure you are using your personal email for communication purposes.

Here are the processed taken by PTPTN:-
Fill-in all your details accordingly and once you have done that, electronic sign your application and submit. Now, wait for the closing date of application (which the college or university provide the information or check from PTPTN portal). Checking from PTPTN list is tedious as it has a very long listing so it is advisable to take note or ask your school’s representatives.
After closing, wait for 7 working days for your loan application result. The results will be either sent to your school or to your personal email. If you didn’t get any email results after 7 days, login to to find out the results.
Once you loan result is approved, you need to download and print 2 copies of the agreement in A4 size paper. Sign and fill in date in “Black” inked pen. Also, all dates in agreement must be same and yes, you can fill in the date of your signing. The final thing you need in the document is “Stamp Hasil” RM10.00 x 2 pieces. Once completed, forward all documents to your school relevant department.
As for the loan amount, nothing much we can dictate as it is by the discretion and determined by the PTPTN’s officer. A quick example of how usually they calculate. Now let’s say your situation is as below:-
- Course fees from college or university = RM100k.
- Course fee declare to PTPTN by college or university, maybe same or lower = RM80k.
- Loan approved by PTPTN; income below RM3k, you might approve for 100% (RM80k). Income above RM3k, approve for 75% (RM60k).
- Bear in mind there is 10% administration charges added on top of the loan amount (which it should be remove in my opinion).
- Repayment spans from 10 years to 20 years depending on loan amount.
Well, that’s it. Hope this article helps you in some way in applying for PTPTN education loan. Good luck and all the best.
This article dated 2017 – PTPTN application requirement may change from time to time.
Updated 20/6/2017 – Print a copy of “Cetak Maklumat” for the school together when submitting the approval forms as above.